Author: Happy Updated: 2 months, 1 week ago. Guides

Computer graphics is the creation, manipulation and representation of visual images and graphics using computers.
 Interactive Vs Non-Interactive Computer Graphics
- Interactive computer graphics allow users to actively engage with and manipulate visual content in real-time.
- Users can interact with objects, change viewpoints, apply transformations and conteol …
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Author: Happy Updated: 2 months, 1 week ago. Guides

The community is one of the most significant aspects of the open source world.

Open source is all about collaboration.

The open source community is a vibrant, collaborative, and inspiring place.

As a new comer you may feel intimated by the open source world.

When you contribute to open source, …
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Author: Happy Updated: 2 months, 1 week ago. Guides

Media refers to the various forms of digital content that can be created, manipulated and displayed using computers. This includes a wide range of elements like

Images: Static visual representations typically stored in formats such as JPEGs, PNG or GIF. These can be photographs, illustrations, diagrams or any other visual …
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What is Node JS

Author: Happy Updated: 1 year ago. Guides

- You are here because i assume you have ever heard about Node JS before if not don't worry i got your back, after reading this

article you will finally have a basic understanding of what Node JS is. For so long HTML, CSS & JavaScript have

been the core …
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Desktop Development With JavaFX

Author: Happy Updated: 1 year ago. Frameworks Programming

- Recently i have been developing desktop applications with java by using the JavaFX framework.

i can truly say i love i what i get out of the box with the framework. It comes with beautiful controls

and it really makes it easy to layout your applications with different layouts …
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Web Development Guide for beginners in 2023

Author: Happy Updated: 1 year ago. Guides Development

Learning web development in 2023 is easier than ever before. With the right guidance and resources, anyone can learn HTML and CSS and become a proficient web developer. This guide will provide you with the necessary steps, tips and advice to help you start your journey as a web developer …
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